In this thought-provoking sermon titled "God's Obstacles," Pastor Adam dives into the intriguing concept that not all obstacles come from the devil. Drawing from the story of Balaam and Balak in Numbers 22, Pastor Adam explains how God sometimes places obstacles in our paths for a purpose—to delay, deter, or protect us. Learn how to discern whether the obstacles you face are divine interventions or devilish distractions, and discover how to align your path with God’s higher plans. This message will encourage you to seek wisdom and guidance through prayer and scripture as you navigate life's challenges. Certainly! Here are some hashtags that can be used to promote or summarize highlights from the sermon "God's Obstacles": #GodsObstacles #DivineIntervention #BalaamAndBalak #DiscerningObstacles #GodsTiming #FaithAndObedience #SpiritualDiscernment #GodsProtection #HolyDelay #ScripturalInsight #SpiritualJourney #DivinePurpose #FaithfulLiving #GodsPlan #BiblicalLessons #TrustInGod #FaithOverFear #DivineGuidance #GodsWill #OvercomingObstacles